A large engine with a lot of wires coming out of it

What's in every R755 Air Repair Inc. Engine?

FAA PMA pistons

FAA PMA link rods

FAA PMA valve springs

FAA PMA data plate

FAA PMA Intake and exhaust valve guide and seals per Service Bulletin Service Bulletin 68

FAA PMA valve seals

FAA PMA piston rings

FAA PMA gaskets and seals

FAA PMA stainless core ignition cable

FAA PMA electronic distributor

Overhauled carburetor

Overhauled magneto

4275 Compression Ring

4292 Oil Control Ring per Service Bulletin 66

4273 Scraper Ring

4018 Data Plate

4022 Shaft

4023 Bearing

4515 Bearing

4024 Spacer

4025 Bearing

4026 Washer

4516 Key

4027 Nut

4028 Key

4030 Washer

4036 Sleeve

4518 Gear

4037A Tappets

4039 Rollers

4040 Pins

4519 Gear

4041A Cam

4044 Bearing

4045 Spacer

4520 Washer

4046 Key

4048 Sleeve

4049 Ring

4521 Nut

4050 Ring

4051 Bearing

4052 Slinger

4557 Bearing

4053 Spacer

4319A Rotator

4320 Locks

4604A Shaft

4321 Locks

4322A Rockers

4323A Rockers

4700A Oil Pump

4329 Shafts

4334A Pushrods

4335A Pushrods

4759A Line

4340 Nuts

4345 Nuts

4411 Sleeve

4760A Line

4502 Bearing

4507 Tube

4509 Gear

4761A Line

47652A Line

4055 Shim

4056 Plate

4057 Nut

4105 Bolts

4124 Bearings

4125 Washers

4126 Nut

4209 Plug

4210 Bolt

4212 Bolt

4213 Nut

4251 Bearing per Service Bulletin 86

4252 Dowel

4253 Bushing

4254 Pin

4256 Rods

4257 K-Pins

4258 Washers

4259 Bolts

4265A Pins

4276 Pistons

4309 Guides

4310 Guides

4313 Valves

4314 Valves

X4315 Seats

4316 Washers

4317 Springs

4318 Springs

4319 Washers

4343 Flanges

4511 Washer

4510 Bolt

4512A1 Gear Asembly

4751A Distributor

4813A Conduit

4814A Conduit

4503 Bearing

4017 Flange

90028 Strainer

4290 Pistons per Service Bulletin 67

UREM37BY Spark Plugs per Service Bulletin 78

4950A Gasket Hose

4962A Hose Set

4513A1 Gear

Air Repair Inc. Proprietary Service Bulletins for Jacobs:

66 Improved Piston Oil Control Ring

67 Improved Pistons in Cylinders #4 and #5

68 Improved Exhaust Valve Seats

69 Front Case O-Ring Seal Modification

70 Jasco Alternator Clearance Modification

71 Improved Cylinder Base Nuts

73 Improved Master Rod Bearing Fit

74 4017 Rework

75 4342 Intake Pipe Drain Modification

76 4358 Intake Valve Stem Seals

77 4522 Improved Oil Plug for 4512A1 and 4513A1 Gear Assemblies

78 UREM37BY Spark Plugs

81 Engine Oil Scavenge and Vent Lines

83 Cam Regrinding for 4041A Cam Assembly

86 Master Rod Bearing P/N 4251 Rev A

87 Magneto Seal Carrier P/N 4571 Rev IR